Building an Elasticache cluster on AWS using Terraform Modules

This article is a practical implementation of Terraform Modules for building an ElastiCache cluster on AWS. Building on the previous article, I had written as an introduction to Terraform Modules.

To demonstrate how modules work in real life, we’ll be building an ElastiCache cluster for multiple environments like dev, staging and production. To create the same using modules, we would have to write a separate dev, stage and production configuration in Terraform. Although this would be a laborious activity with a likelihood of discrepancies in the configurations of the three environments, using Terraform modules would ensure that the base configuration for the cluster would always be the same, thereby enabling us to maintain dev-prod parity.

Defining the Folder Structure

In building the ElastiCache module, we need to define the folder and file structure where we will store our module files. For instance, the folder structure would look something like the one given below:

+-- elasticache
¦   +-- main.tf
¦   +-- variables.tf
+-- environments
¦   +-- dev
¦   ¦ +-- main.tf
¦   +-- production
¦   ¦ +-- main.tf
¦   +-- staging
¦       +-- main.tf
+-- main.tf
+-- provider.tf

The folder named elasticache will be the place we’ll use to store the main.tf and variables.tf files comprising the configuration for the elasticache cluster. The environments folder has the folders corresponding to the environment names. The main.tf file will use the elasticache module and update the properties based on the need of the environment in question. The environments will be used as environments in the root main.tf file. Finally, the cloud provider for our project is defined using the provider.tf, which happens to be aws in our case.

Writing the Reusable Module

To use a module between multiple environments, first, we need to write a reusable terraform elasticache module.

Before we define the elasticache module, we need to write the variables that will be used by the elasticache module, using the following configuration in the elasticache/variables.tf file:

variable "environment" {}
variable "node_count" {}
variable "node_type" {}
variable "availability_zones" { type = "list" }

The elasticache/main.tf file contains the configuration for the elasticache module as defined below:

resource "aws_elasticache_replication_group" "elasticache-cluster" {
  availability_zones            		= ["${var.availability_zones}"]
  replication_group_id          		= "tf-${var.environment}-rep-group"
  replication_group_description 	= "${var.environment} replication group"
  node_type                     		= "${var.node_type}"
  number_cache_clusters         	= "${var.node_count}"
  parameter_group_name          	= "default.redis3.2"
  port                          			= 6379

Writing the Modules for Environments

Now that we have defined our elasticache module, we can create the modules for the dev, stage and production environments. We have previously described a folder environment for the same, and under the folder, we have created folders with the names of the environments. In each of the folders, we’ll have a main.tf file that uses the elasticache module and later, we will use these modules in the main.tf file present in the root.

First, we will define the dev elasticache cluster in the environment/dev folder in a main.tf file, with the following configuration:

module "dev-elasticache" {
  source             	= "../../elasticache"
  environment        	= "dev"
  node_count         	= 1
  node_type          	= "cache.m3.medium"
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]

We have named the module dev-elasticache, the source points to the elasticache folder, and we set the values for the environment, node_count, node_type, and avaiability_zones as per the requirements of the dev environment.

Next up, we’ll define the staging elasticache cluster in the environment/staging folder in a main.tf file, with the following configuration:

module "staging-elasticache" {
  source             	= "../../elasticache"
  environment        	= "dev"
  node_count         	= 2
  node_type          	= "cache.m3.medium"
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]

We have named the module staging-elasticache. The source points to the elasticache folder. The environment, node_count, node_type, and avaiability_zones are values set at the staging environment’s requirements.

Next up, we’ll define the production elasticache cluster in the environment/production folder in a main.tf file, with the following configuration:

module "production-elasticache" {
  source             	= "../../elasticache"
  environment        	= "dev"
  node_count         	= 3
  node_type          	= "cache.m3.large"
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]

We have named the module production-elasticache, the source points to the elasticache folder, and we set the values of the environment, node_count, node_type, and avaiability_zones as per the requirements of the production environment.

Using the Modules in the root main.tf

We have defined the modules, and now we can use the modules in our main.tf file located at the directory’s root. We can define the main.tf file as given below:

module "dev" {
  source = "environments/dev"

module "staging" {
  source = "environments/staging"

module "production" {
  source = "environments/production"

Finally, we need to define the provider in our providers.tf file with the following configuration:

provider "aws" {
  profile   = "${var.aws_cred_profile}"
  region    = "${var.aws_region}"

With a little effort, we can restructure Terraform code from the beginning so that a growing code base won’t bring growing pains. Writing reusable and configurable modules are one of the basic building blocks of clean, readable and scalable Terraform code. Writing modules would help us better manage a growing code base and reduce useless repetition in code.

You can find the codebase supporting this article on Github AWS ElastiCache Terraform Module.

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Faizan Bashir

Principal Engineer | Architecting and building distributed applications in the Cloud | Adventurer

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